
Krax Light Engines

Page history last edited by Jeff Rients 15 years, 3 months ago

Krax Light Engines


Although major powers such as the Imperium and the Hive Federation often take the lead in the development of new technologies, it sometimes falls to the talents of the lesser powers to fully exploit technological breakthroughs. The light engines produced in the Krax Confederation are an example of local shrewdness in engineering. Using long-proven Imperial technology as their basis, Kraxin Motivators offers the following unique products:


  • K300 Jump Drive - Designed specifically for the Type KX Krax X-Boat, the K300 allows 3 parsec jumps for 100-ton hulls. At 12.5 tons and 15 MCr, it is significantly heavier than Imperial counterparts, but 1 MCr cheaper.


  • K300 Power Plant - Powers the K300 Jump Drive. Displacing only 5.5 tons and costing a mere 15 MCr, this Tech Level 9 wonder outperforms similar power plants rated up to 5 tech levels higher!


  • K100 Maneuver Drive - This maneuver unit was originally designed for the Type KX Krax X-Boat but is also found on the Type KAL Krax Light Trader. Displacing only 0.5 tons and costing 2 MCr, this drive is four times as efficient as Imperial drives, at one third the cost.


  • K100 Jump Drive - Designed for the Type KAL Krax Light Trader, the K100J is bigger than Imperial designs (5 tons to 2) but at 5 MCr each ton added shaves a MCr off the cost.


  • K100 Power Plant - At 1 ton and 4 MCr, this mighty little power plant is half the size and one third cheaper than the Imperial standard.


So far researchers at Kraxin Motivators have been unable to upscale their improvements on standard Imperial engines, though the K500 line is in the early stages of development.


Book 2 Engine Table Additions

  Jump   M-Drive   P-Plant  
Product Line tons MCr tons Mcr tons Mcr
K100 5 5 0.5 2 1 4
K300 12.5 15 na na 5.5 15


Hull K100 K300
100 1 3
150 - 2
300 - 1


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